Since 1946, when the initially presented Davidoff Cigars were rolled up in Cuba, the brand has kept up an enduring responsibility to quality and has since accumulated a notoriety for being one of the best and most lavish cigar marks on the planet. There are used only the most astounding quality ripe tobaccos in order to make mixes extending from the mild- bodied, intensively flavored Anniversarios to the more full bodied Grand Cru and Puro d’Oro lines. Davidoff Cigars samplers give the beginners of the brand an opportunity to test the wide line of dazzling flavors, quality, and sizes over the different lines before choosing a top choice.
Additional information
Country | Dominican Republic |
Flavour | Non Flavored |
Length | 6 Inches |
Quantity | 10 |
Ring Gauge | 50 |
Shape | Toro |
Worldwide delivery – 15-21 days
Please note the orders placed after 2pm on a Friday will not be processed until Monday.
Excellent service. Easy to navigate website. Proof of purchase received via email instantly as well as dispatch info. I can’t fault it. Good company.
Easy ordering quick delivery excellent service
Great service. Fast and efficient. Would highly recommend.
Perfect cigars!
Great service, pulled out the stops to get me a christmas delivery. Amazing choice of products, well described too
5* always. Great service and quality of product
Excellent service, top quality cigars.
very pleased with the service.
Great customer support! Good comms and quick service! Highly recommended. Great products!