On the one hand, it is believed that the shelf life of cigars is not limited, like other tobacco products. But, on the other hand, experienced aficionados know that even with proper storage, cigars can last only 2-3 years. After this period, their taste and aromatic qualities deteriorate sharply.
Continue reading “Expiry date of cigars and storage methods”Author: Cigars
Smoking Cigars like Unique Lifestyle
There are aroma and flavour. Woody, spicy fragrances. Strong, coffee, spicy flavours. Every cigar treats your palate to an attractive range of tastes experienced in a new way.
There’s the party. Graduation. A wedding. A birth. An anniversary. Lighting up with family and friends is an excellent way to mark an occasion, to pause and say, “This life is a deserving celebration.”
Continue reading “Smoking Cigars like Unique Lifestyle”