Avanti Cigars are a classic version of cigars, which are produced in the original Italian manner. These cigars are produced in the United States only. Their production peculiarity is that they are fire-dried. The aroma of sambuca is very organically mixed with real tobacco flavors. Another peculiarity of Avanti Cigars is that they do not need any humidor to be stored.
Brand: Avanti
Avanti Cigars Brand description
Avanti Anisette 3
Avanti Cigars are a classic version of cigars, which are produced in the original Italian manner. These cigars are produced in the United States only. Their production peculiarity is that they are fire-dried. The aroma of sambuca is very organically mixed with real tobacco flavors. Another peculiarity of Avanti Cigars is that they do not need any humidor to be stored.
Avanti Anisette 5
Avanti Cigars are a classic version of cigars, which are produced in the original Italian manner. These cigars are produced in the United States only. Their production peculiarity is that they are fire-dried. The aroma of sambuca is very organically mixed with real tobacco flavors. Another peculiarity of Avanti Cigars is that they do not need any humidor to be stored.
Avanti Bourbon 5
Avanti Cigars are a classic version of cigars, which are produced in the original Italian manner. These cigars are produced in the United States only. Their production peculiarity is that they are fire-dried. The aroma of sambuca is very organically mixed with real tobacco flavors. Another peculiarity of Avanti Cigars is that they do not need any humidor to be stored.
Avanti Estilo Cafe Mocha 10/3
Avanti Cigars are a classic version of cigars, which are produced in the original Italian manner. These cigars are produced in the United States only. Their production peculiarity is that they are fire-dried. The aroma of sambuca is very organically mixed with real tobacco flavors. Another peculiarity of Avanti Cigars is that they do not need any humidor to be stored.
Avanti Licorice 5
Avanti Cigars are a classic version of cigars, which are produced in the original Italian manner. These cigars are produced in the United States only. Their production peculiarity is that they are fire-dried. The aroma of sambuca is very organically mixed with real tobacco flavors. Another peculiarity of Avanti Cigars is that they do not need any humidor to be stored.
Avanti Vanilla 5
Avanti Cigars are a classic version of cigars, which are produced in the original Italian manner. These cigars are produced in the United States only. Their production peculiarity is that they are fire-dried. The aroma of sambuca is very organically mixed with real tobacco flavors. Another peculiarity of Avanti Cigars is that they do not need any humidor to be stored.