AVO Cigars are a standout amongst the most esteemed brands presented in tobacco sphere. AVO Cigars are the consequence of a coordinated effort between Hendrik Kelner, Avo Uvezian and Davidoff. Avo Uvezian is an arranger, maybe best known for writing Sinatra’s “Outsiders in the Night.” Together with Kelner’s cigar making experience and Davidoff’s image, Uvezian’s search for flawlessness in a cigar has brought about this one marvelous smoke. Truth be told, over 2 million of these super-premium sticks are sold yearly. AVO cigars are wonderfully built from the best premium leaves, including a silky Connecticut shade wrapper and Dominican filler leaves. The outcome is a rich, smooth taste and magnificent smell.
And the costs are the most minimal around.
AVO Cigars are a standout amongst the most esteemed brands presented in tobacco sphere. AVO Cigars are the consequence of a coordinated effort between Hendrik Kelner, Avo Uvezian and Davidoff. Avo Uvezian is an arranger, maybe best known for writing Sinatra’s “Outsiders in the Night.” Together with Kelner’s cigar making experience and Davidoff’s image, Uvezian’s search for flawlessness in a cigar has brought about this one marvelous smoke. Truth be told, over 2 million of these super-premium sticks are sold yearly. AVO cigars are wonderfully built from the best premium leaves, including a silky Connecticut shade wrapper and Dominican filler leaves. The outcome is a rich, smooth taste and magnificent smell.
And the costs are the most minimal around.
AVO Cigars are a standout amongst the most esteemed brands presented in tobacco sphere. AVO Cigars are the consequence of a coordinated effort between Hendrik Kelner, Avo Uvezian and Davidoff. Avo Uvezian is an arranger, maybe best known for writing Sinatra’s “Outsiders in the Night.” Together with Kelner’s cigar making experience and Davidoff’s image, Uvezian’s search for flawlessness in a cigar has brought about this one marvelous smoke. Truth be told, over 2 million of these super-premium sticks are sold yearly. AVO cigars are wonderfully built from the best premium leaves, including a silky Connecticut shade wrapper and Dominican filler leaves. The outcome is a rich, smooth taste and magnificent smell.
And the costs are the most minimal around.