Dominican Backwoods cigars appeared in 1981 and very quickly became one of the best-selling cigars in the world. Their distinctive feature is Wild & Mild. “wild” means appearance and “mild” depicts a soft taste. Backwoods cigars have a conical shape with a fluffy tip, are made from high-quality tobacco and have an excellent taste and aroma, perfectly preserved due to hermetic packaging.
Brand: Backwoods
Backwoods Honey 8/5
Dominican Backwoods cigars appeared in 1981 and very quickly became one of the best-selling cigars in the world. Their distinctive feature is Wild & Mild. “wild” means appearance and “mild” depicts a soft taste. Backwoods cigars have a conical shape with a fluffy tip, are made from high-quality tobacco and have an excellent taste and aroma, perfectly preserved due to hermetic packaging.
Backwoods Honey Berry 8/5
Dominican Backwoods cigars appeared in 1981 and very quickly became one of the best-selling cigars in the world. Their distinctive feature is Wild & Mild. “wild” means appearance and “mild” depicts a soft taste. Backwoods cigars have a conical shape with a fluffy tip, are made from high-quality tobacco and have an excellent taste and aroma, perfectly preserved due to hermetic packaging.
Backwoods Original 8/5
Dominican Backwoods cigars appeared in 1981 and very quickly became one of the best-selling cigars in the world. Their distinctive feature is Wild & Mild. “wild” means appearance and “mild” depicts a soft taste. Backwoods cigars have a conical shape with a fluffy tip, are made from high-quality tobacco and have an excellent taste and aroma, perfectly preserved due to hermetic packaging.
Backwoods Sweet Aromatic 8/5
Dominican Backwoods cigars appeared in 1981 and very quickly became one of the best-selling cigars in the world. Their distinctive feature is Wild & Mild. “wild” means appearance and “mild” depicts a soft taste. Backwoods cigars have a conical shape with a fluffy tip, are made from high-quality tobacco and have an excellent taste and aroma, perfectly preserved due to hermetic packaging.