Davidoff Aniversario Series Corona Entreacto (3.5″ x 43) is a great cigar for any special occasion. Whether it’s a gift for someone else, or a treat for yourself, this cigar will be sure to impress! This medium-bodied cigar is crafted using 4-year-aged tobaccos from Davidoff’s experts in the Domincan and a gorgeous Ecuador Connecticut wrapper. This cigar ensures a smooth and balanced smoking experience, so get a pack for that special day!
Brand: Davidoff
Davidoff Aniversario Series no.1 Tubo Connecticut Presidente
Since 1946, when the initially presented Davidoff Cigars were rolled up in Cuba, the brand has kept up an enduring responsibility to quality and has since accumulated a notoriety for being one of the best and most lavish cigar marks on the planet. There are used only the most astounding quality ripe tobaccos in order to make mixes extending from the mild- bodied, intensively flavored Anniversarios to the more full bodied Grand Cru and Puro d’Oro lines. Davidoff Cigars samplers give the beginners of the brand an opportunity to test the wide line of dazzling flavors, quality, and sizes over the different lines before choosing a top choice.
Davidoff Aniversario Series no.3 Connecticut Toro
Since 1946, when the initially presented Davidoff Cigars were rolled up in Cuba, the brand has kept up an enduring responsibility to quality and has since accumulated a notoriety for being one of the best and most lavish cigar marks on the planet. There are used only the most astounding quality ripe tobaccos in order to make mixes extending from the mild- bodied, intensively flavored Anniversarios to the more full bodied Grand Cru and Puro d’Oro lines. Davidoff Cigars samplers give the beginners of the brand an opportunity to test the wide line of dazzling flavors, quality, and sizes over the different lines before choosing a top choice.
Davidoff Aniversario Series no.3 Tubo Connecticut Toro
Since 1946, when the initially presented Davidoff Cigars were rolled up in Cuba, the brand has kept up an enduring responsibility to quality and has since accumulated a notoriety for being one of the best and most lavish cigar marks on the planet. There are used only the most astounding quality ripe tobaccos in order to make mixes extending from the mild- bodied, intensively flavored Anniversarios to the more full bodied Grand Cru and Puro d’Oro lines. Davidoff Cigars samplers give the beginners of the brand an opportunity to test the wide line of dazzling flavors, quality, and sizes over the different lines before choosing a top choice.
Davidoff Aniversario Series Perfecto
Davidoff Aniversario Series Perfecto (4.8″ X 52) begins with a blend of 4-year-aged tobaccos, hand-selected by Davidoff’s experts in the Dominican Republic. From there, the tobaccos are rolled using the most authentic, traditional methods in the industry, before they are set down to age. Aniversario promises signature smoothness, ample flavor, and exquisite balance.
Davidoff Nicaragua Cigars Toro Habano
The Davidoff Nicaragua Toro is a 100% pure Nicaraguan blend that pairs a 10-year aged Habano Seed Nicaragua Rosado wrapper with Jalapa binder, and a blend of filler tobaccos cultivated in Esteli, Condega, and Ometepe. The result is one of the most intriguing and well-received medium-bodied blends ever produced by Davidoff.
Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto Rosado
The Davidoff Nicaragua Robusto Tubo is a 100% pure Nicaraguan blend that pairs a 10-year aged Habano Seed Nicaragua Rosado wrapper with Jalapa binder, and a blend of filler tobaccos cultivated in Esteli, Condega, and Ometepe. The result is one of the most intriguing and well-received medium-bodied blends ever produced by Davidoff.
Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill Habano
There is only one Winston Churchill, and there is only one cigar worthy to bear his name: the exceptional Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill Habano (6 7/8″ x 47). With its complex pairing of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers carefully sheathed in a flawless Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, this blend is as complex as the man himself.