Romeo Y Juliet a Cigarillos Cigars are one of the most famous cigars in the world. Romeo Y Julieta factory was opened in 1875. This cigar brand has one of the best legends among cigars, as popular as the story of two lovers from Verona, who inspired the brand’s founders to create this brand. Two Spaniards, Inocencio Alvarez and José García, set up a small cigar factory on 87 San Rafael Street in Havana. The brand quickly conquered the market.
Brand: Romeo Y Julieta
Romeo y Julieta Habana Reserve Robusto Natural
Romeo Y Juliet a Cigarillos Cigars are one of the most famous cigars in the world. Romeo Y Julieta factory was opened in 1875. This cigar brand has one of the best legends among cigars, as popular as the story of two lovers from Verona, who inspired the brand’s founders to create this brand. Two Spaniards, Inocencio Alvarez and José García, set up a small cigar factory on 87 San Rafael Street in Havana. The brand quickly conquered the market.
Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Porto Real Connecticut Lancero
Romeo Y Juliet a Cigarillos Cigars are one of the most famous cigars in the world. Romeo Y Julieta factory was opened in 1875. This cigar brand has one of the best legends among cigars, as popular as the story of two lovers from Verona, who inspired the brand’s founders to create this brand. Two Spaniards, Inocencio Alvarez and José García, set up a small cigar factory on 87 San Rafael Street in Havana. The brand quickly conquered the market.