La Libertad Cigars are an extraordinary addition to our cigar choice with its stylish shapes and intensive flavor. Produced in the Dominican Republic, La Libertad Cigars are a mix of the most noteworthy quality leaves from different developing regions. The Habano seed wrapper and the Nicaraguan seed fastener are both cultivated in Peru, while the filler is essentially Ligero tobaccos from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. The given mix of La Libertad is a symbol of the fine cigars of older golden years.
Additional information
Country | Honduras |
Flavour | Non Flavored |
Length | 5 Inches |
Quantity | 10 |
Ring Gauge | 40 |
Shape | Robusto |
Worldwide delivery – 15-21 days
Please note the orders placed after 2pm on a Friday will not be processed until Monday.
Great cigar. I rarely smoke but it was relaxing and had strong kick half way through. Would buy it again.
Went for these cigars, good selection. Would definitely buy from here again.
Just received my first order, the support was very helpful and helped get my delivery to me in time for my friends birthday! Will be ordering again
Ordered my cigars from this company and found their prices and service impeccable will certainly be placing an order again.
Good service and I will buy again. I need such a reliable site with may convenient opportunities.
An excellent delivery service and would recommend to any cigar aficionado .
Fine cigars delivered on time always. My number 1 place for cigars
Very, very happy. The branded cigar was purchased, the person I gifted it to was so happy with it and its flavour. It also arrived very professionally in a paper box, wonderful!
I ordered the cigars. I ordered in a Saturday and they were delivered so swiftly. I emailed a question and got an immediate response. The brand was beautiful, well packaged. 5 Stars