Zino Classic Cigars are a complex, rich, perfectly balanced bouquet in the best traditions of classic high-quality cigars, which will please fans of light cigars. Who will question the exclusivity of cigars that bear the name of the main cigar guru of all times and peoples? Zino Classic cigars are made of the best tobacco from the Jamastran ranch in Honduras in the Dominican Republic, mixed with American, Peruvian and Dominican tobacco, under the guidance of the legendary Hendrick Kellner. Before going on sale, Dominican cigars Zino Classic undergo strict quality control, which at all stages includes more than 150.
Additional information
Country | Dominican Republic |
Flavour | Non Flavored |
Length | 5 Inches |
Quantity | 10 |
Ring Gauge | 50 |
Shape | Robusto |
Worldwide delivery – 15-21 days
Please note the orders placed after 2pm on a Friday will not be processed until Monday.
This cigar is one of my favourites full of flavour. The brand is well worth the money paid.
my partner was thrilled with his gift. These are the cigars he always wanted to buy. His dream came true!
Wide selection. Will use again as soon as I can.
Good quality cigars and options for every budget. Well packaged and delivered in a timely manner.
I am very satisfied! I will order from you in the future!